RI 901 - 902

Having a 901-902 line for your business has multiple advantages

If you want your customers to contact you more quickly and efficiently, 901-902 numbering is the best way to get it.

Lines 901-902 are exclusive national telephone numbers where you can receive calls from any point in Spain, either fixed or mobile.

Calls arriving on lines 901-902 are forwarded to a fixed line chosen by the customer, so that the geographi- cal location of the company is transparent as the prefix of a conventional number does not appear.

With a 901 line you make your business more accessible to your customers. The line has shared costs between caller and caller, as well as numbers that are easy to memorize and remember, which facilitates communication.

With a 902 line the full cost of the call is billed to the caller.

They are used as a form of promotion by companies, since they generate a high volume of calls.

Make easy the contact between your customers and your company with a controlled cost!

You can manage all your 901 and 902 lines through our control panel, accessible 24 hours a day, with only one device connec- ted to the internet.

With a 901 or 902 line you have a single number to receive all incoming calls from your business and thus be able to serve all your customers regardless of geographic location.

You can define a phone to direct all calls to depending on the caller’s location. If you change your home address or phone number, you will only need to redirect calls to the new phone.

Lines 901 have facilities such as multi-destination, keypad selections, routing by origin, IVR call processing services, etc.

This numbering has more advantages for your company and customers than traditional numbering, as combined with IP telephony will save you money on your calls.

Combined with a virtual switchboard you can receive calls on several phones at the same time, although one is not necessary to have a line 901-902.

To have a line 901-902 you only need a phone to receive the calls and we will redirect them to the phone you want.

These types of lines only accept incoming calls. You have no call establishment or service stays.

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