
Globtelecom o ers the opportunity to carry your telephone numbers

Portability is a service that allows you to change your phone company without losing your number.

We manage the change of your old telephone operator.

Users who want to keep their current phone number when registering with Globtelecom should ask us.

There are two ways to apply for portability.

The request may be made in writing or through a verifier.

If you do this in writing, it must be signed by the owner of the line, in three copies that we will provide. One copy for each operator and one for the user.

If this is done through a verifier, the verifier shall record a contractual telephone conversation confirming the data for processing the portability.

To process the portability with us download the document of portability and send it completed to our email, attaching the last invoice of your former operator.

We will perform your portability and notify you by email of the date for the operator change. From the change you will start receiving calls through Globtelecom.

Portability characteristics

It’s a free service.

The process is fast.

If the change of operator is line and broadband, the process will take a few days.

If you change your address, you will only be able to keep your number if you are in the same tariff district.

If you want to cancer the portability, let us know. We will inform you of the deadline to cancel your portability.

952 300 500
